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无线夜视监控摄像头 家用防盗监控设备 针式监控摄像头 楚图1

无线夜视监控摄像头 家用防盗监控设备 针式监控摄像头 楚

价格 111.00
材质 塑料、铝
产地 深圳
产品类别 usb摄像头
传感器类型 3CCD
传感器像素 100、130、200(dpi)
附加功能 夜视功能
接口 USB3.0
接口类型 USB
上市时间 2018
使用范围 液晶显示器
售后服务 一年保修
颜色 白色
重量 3kg
最高分辨率 720P、1080P
送礼用途 个人礼品
适用送礼场合 **典,展销会,员工福利,生日,商务馈赠,婚庆,会议庆典
货源类别 订货
品牌 galileostar
型号 GS
商品类型 全新
最快出货时间 1-3天
是否需要驱动 免驱动

 FragmentWelcome to consult...ral name?’ said Mr. Barkis.

‘Oh, it’s not her Christian name. Her Christian name is Clara.’

‘Is it though?’ said Mr. Barkis.

He seemed to fin**mmense fund of reflection in this
circumstance, and sat pondering and inwardly whistling for some

‘Well!’ he resumed at length. ‘Says you, “Peggotty! Barkis is
waitin’ for a answer.” Says she, perhaps, “Answer to what?” Says
you, “To what I told you.” “What is that?” says she. “Barkis is
willin’,” says you.’

This extremely artful suggestion Mr. Barkis accompanied with
a nudge of his elbow that gave me quite a stitch in my side. After
that, he slouched over his horse in his usual manner; and made no
other reference to the subject except, half an hour afterwards,
taking a piece of chalk from his pocket, and writing up, inside the
tilt of the cart, ‘Clara Peggotty’—apparently as a private

Ah, what a strange feeling it was to be going home when it was
not home, and to find that every object I looked at, reminded me of
the happy old home, which was like a dream I could never dream
again! The days when my mother and I and Peggotty were all in
all to one another, and there was no one to come between us, rose
up before me so sorrowfully on the road, that I am not sure I was
glad to be there—not sure but that I would rather have remained
away, and forgotten it in Steerforth’s company. But there I was;
and soon I was at our house, where the bare old elm-trees wrung
their many hands in the bleak wintry air, and shreds of the old
rooks’-nests drifted away upon the wind.

The carrier put my box down at the garden-gate, and left me. I

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

walked along the path towards the house, glancing at the
windows, and fearing at every step to see Mr. Murdstone or Miss
Murdstone lowering out of one of them. No face appeared,
however; and being come to the house, and knowing how to open
the door, before dark, without knocking, I went in with a quiet,
timid step.

God knows how infantine the memory may have been, that was
awakened within me by the sound of my mother’s voice in the old
parlour, when I set foot in the hall. She was singing in a low tone. I
think I must have lain in her arms, and heard her singing so to me
when I was but a baby. The strain was new to me, and yet it was so
old that it filled my heart brim-full; like a friend come back from a
long absence.

I believed, from the solitary and thoughtful way in which my
mother murmured her song, that she was alone. And I went softly
into the room. She was sitting by the fire, suckling an infant,
whose tiny hand she held against her neck. Her eyes were looking
down upon its face, and she sat singing to it. I was so far right, that
she had no other companion.

I spoke to her, and she started, and cried out. But seeing me,
she called me her dear Davy, her own boy! and coming half across
the room to meet me, kneeled down upon the ground and kissed
me, and laid my head down on her bosom near the little creature
that was nestling there, and put its hand to my lips.

I wish I had died. I wish I had died then, with that feeling in my
heart! I should have been more fit for Heaven than I ever have
been since.

‘He is your brother,’ said my mother, fondling me. ‘Davy, my
pretty boy! My poor child!’ Then she kissed me more and more,

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

and clasped me round the neck. This she was doing when
Peggotty came running in, and bounced down on the ground
beside us, and went mad about us both for a quarter of an hour.

It seemed that I had not been expected so soon, the carrier
being much before his usual time. It seemed, too, that Mr. and
Miss Murdstone had gone out upon a visit in the neighbourhood,
and would not return before night. I had never hoped for this. I
had never thought it possible that we three could be together
undisturbed, once more; and I felt, for the time, as if the old days
were come back.

We dined together by the f
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