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保定监控系统 双镜头监控摄像头 小型家用监控摄像头 晋图1

保定监控系统 双镜头监控摄像头 小型家用监控摄像头 晋

价格 111.00
材质 塑料、铝
产地 深圳
产品类别 usb摄像头
传感器类型 3CCD
传感器像素 100、130、200(dpi)
附加功能 夜视功能
接口 USB3.0
接口类型 USB
上市时间 2018
使用范围 液晶显示器
售后服务 一年保修
颜色 白色
重量 3kg
最高分辨率 720P、1080P
送礼用途 个人礼品
适用送礼场合 **典,展销会,员工福利,生日,商务馈赠,婚庆,会议庆典
货源类别 订货
品牌 galileostar
型号 GS
商品类型 全新
最快出货时间 1-3天
是否需要驱动 免驱动

 FragmentWelcome to consult... you, and sat near you. I had no
difficulty in deducing from your unreserved conversation, and the
rumour openly going about among your admirers, the nature of
your calling. And gradually, what I had done at random, seemed to
shape itself into a purpose, Mr. Barsad.”

“What purpose?” the spy asked.

“It would be troublesome, and might be dangerous, to explain
in the street. Could you favour me, in confidence, with some
minutes of your company—at the office of Tellson’s Bank, for

“Under a threat?”

“Oh! Did I say that?”

“Then, why should I go there?”

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

“Really, Mr. Barsad, I can’t say, if you can’t.”

“Do you mean that you won’t say, sir?” the spy irresolutely

“You apprehend me very clearly, Mr. Barsad. I won’t.”

Carton’s negligent recklessness of manner came powerfully in
aid of his quickness and skill, in such a business as he had in his
secret mind, and with such a man as he had to do with. His
practised eye saw it, and made the most of it.

“Now, I told you so,” said the spy, casting a reproachful look at
his sister; “if any trouble comes of this, it’s your doing.”

“Come, come, Mr. Barsad!” exclaimed Sydney. “Don’t be
ungrateful. But for my great respect for your sister, I might not
have led up so pleasantly to a little proposal that I wish to make for
our mutual satisfaction. Do you go with me to the Bank?”

“I’ll hear what you have got to say. Yes, I’ll go with you.”

“I propose that we first conduct your sister safely to the corner
of her own street. Let me take your arm, Miss Pross. This is not a
good city, at this time, for you to be out in, unprotected; and, as
your escort knows Mr. Barsad, I will invite him to Mr. Lorry’s with
us. Are we ready? Come then!”

Miss Pross recalled soon afterwards, and to the end of her life
remembered, that as she pressed her hands on Sydney’s arm and
looked up in his face, imploring him to do no hurt to Solomon,
there was a braced purpose in the arm and a kind of inspiration in
the eyes, which not only contradicted his light manner, but
changed and raised the man. She was too much occupied then
with fears for the brother who so little deserved her affection, and
with Sydney’s friendly reassurances, adequately to heed what she

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

They left her at the corner of the street, and Carton led the way
to Mr. Lorry’s, which was within a few minutes’ walk. John
Barsad, or Solomon Pross, walked at his side.

Mr. Lorry had just finished his dinner, and was sitting before a
cheery little log or two of fire—perhaps looking into their blaze for
the picture of that younger elderly gentleman from Tellson’s, who
had looked into the red coals at the Royal George at Dover, now a
good many years ago. He turned his head as they entered, and
showed the surprise with which he saw a stranger.

“Miss Pross’s brother, sir,” said Sydney. “Mr. Barsad.”

“Barsad?” repeated the old gentleman, “Barsad? I have an
association with the name—and with the face.”

“I told you you had a remarkable face, Mr. Barsad,” observed
Carton, coolly. “Pray sit down.”

As he took a chair himself, he supplied the link that Mr. Lorry
wanted, by saying to him with a frown, “Witness at that t
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