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家用摄像头监控器 系统性能监控 快速摄像机 周

价格 111.00
材质 塑料、铝
产地 深圳
产品类别 usb摄像头
传感器类型 3CCD
传感器像素 100、130、200(dpi)
附加功能 夜视功能
接口 USB3.0
接口类型 USB
上市时间 2018
使用范围 液晶显示器
售后服务 一年保修
颜色 白色
重量 3kg
最高分辨率 720P、1080P
送礼用途 个人礼品
适用送礼场合 **典,展销会,员工福利,生日,商务馈赠,婚庆,会议庆典
货源类别 订货
品牌 galileostar
型号 GS
商品类型 全新
最快出货时间 1-3天
是否需要驱动 免驱动

 FragmentWelcome to consult...y be able to think so well of me, as to urge no
influence against me, I say nothing more of my stake in this; this is
what I ask. The condition on which I ask it, and which you have an
undoubted right to require, I will observe immediately.”

“I give the promise,” said the Doctor, “without any condition. I
believe your object to be, purely and truthfully, as you have stated
it. I believe your intention is to perpetuate, and not to weaken, the
ties between me and my other and far dearer self. If she should
ever tell me that you are essential to her perfect happiness, I will
give her to you. If there were—Charles Darnay—if there were—”
The young man had taken his hand gratefully; their hands were
joined as the Doctor spoke:

“—any fancies, any reasons, any apprehensions, anything
whatsoever, new or old, against the man she really loved—the
direct responsibility thereof not lying on his head—they should all
be obliterated for her sake. She is everything to me; more to me
than suffering, more to me than wrong, more to me—Well! This is
idle talk.”

So strange was the way in which he faded into silence, and so
strange his fixed look when he had ceased to speak, that Darnay
felt his own hand turn cold in the hand that slowly released and
dropped it.

“You said something to me,” said Doctor Manette, breaking
into a smile. “What was it you said to me?”

He was at a loss how to answer, until he remembered having
spoken of a condition. Relieved as his mind reverted to that, he

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities


“Your confidence in me ought to be returned with full
confidence on my part. My present name, though but slightly
changed from my mother’s, is not, as you will remember, my own.
I wish to tell you what that is, and why I am in England.”

“Stop!” said the Doctor of Beauvais.

“I wish it, that I may the better deserve your confidence, and
have no secret from you.”


For an instant, the Doctor even had his two hands at his ears;
for another instant, even had his two hands laid on Darnay’s lips.

“Tell me when I ask you, not now. If your suit should prosper, if
Lucie should love you, you shall tell me on your marriage
morning. Do you promise?”


“Give me your hand. She will be home directly, and it is better
she should not see us together tonight, Go! God bless you!”

It was dark when Charles Darnay left him, and it was an hour
later and darker when Lucie came home; she hurried into the
room alone—for Miss Pross had gone straight upstairs—and was
surprised to find his reading-chair empty.

“My father!” she called to him. “Father dear!”

Nothing was said in answer, but she heard a low hammering
sound in the bedroom. Passing lightly across the intermediate
room, she looked in at his door and came running back frightened,
crying to herself, with her blood all chilled, “What shall I do! What
shall I do!”

Her uncertainty lasted but a moment; she hurried back and
tapped at his door, and softly called to him. The noise ceased at

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

the sound of her voice, and he presently came out to her, and they
walked up and down together for a long time.

She came down from her bed to look at him in his sleep that
night. He slept, heavily, and his tray of shoe-making tools, and his
old unfinished work, were all as usual.

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

Chapter XVII


S ydney,” said Mr. Stryver, on that selfsame night, or
morning, to his jackal; “mix another bowl of punch; I have
something to say to you,” Sydney had been working double
tides that night, and the night before, and the night before that,
and a good many nights in succession, making a grand clearance
among Mr. Stryver’s papers before the setting in of the long
vacation. The clearance was effected at last; the Stryver arrears
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