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2021-12-16 23:412950询价


The mark pile mould is divided into mark pile steel mould and mark pile plastic mould. The difference in materials also determines the different prices of the two. In terms of demoulding speed, the speed of steel mold for sign pile is much faster than that of plastic mold. From this point, the output of cement products will be increased, especially in the season with high temperature in summer, the output of cement pile will be 3-5 times higher than that in winter. It is self-evident that steel mold for sign pile is used for very urgent projects. Due to the good water leakage effect of the steel mold, there is no need to put too much water when mixing the concrete. In this way, the drying degree of the cement parts is improved to a great extent, the molding speed is fast, and the production will be improved a lot. Therefore, customers should consider from many aspects when choosing, not only pay attention to price factors, but also choose mold products suitable for their own projects.

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